My Portfolio

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Swirly the Kitten

Professional advisors say, "Do not put cats and dogs in your portfolio". Well this isn't my portfolio. :-)
Kittens and puppies are so adorable it's hard to resist, but they do make good subjects for stock images. A feral cat brought this little kitten to our back door, so it made a good photo opportunity for my stock photography file. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ferguson Farm, Lawrence County Indiana

Ferguson Farm
[ click to enlarge ]

Barns will always be a favorite subject for artists. I often photograph them for an artist friend of mine. I was drawn to this particular barn by the prospect of colorful blooming fields of chicory in the foreground. Unfortunately the cows found the chicory tasty and ate it this year, but a picturesque sunset saved the day.

There's also a little history connected to this farm. According to one website, "The farm, located west of Springville in Lawrence County Indiana, is one of the oldest farms in the state. Since it was homesteaded in 1816, it has continuously been owned by the Ferguson family."